Saturday, January 26, 2008

What else is there to say?

So, I do not want to have too many blogs on the current political atmosphere or on the wonderful blood sucking period called the presidential primary season, which is followed by an even more horrifying and pathetic period known as the presidential elections, but some comments will slip out. It is inevitable so I felt a warning to that fact is in order. I, for the record, am a registered republican who tends to be conservative in nature. That does not mean I agree with all things "republican" or no-things "Democratic". I actually like and voted for, twice mind you, President Bush and, for the most part, like what he has done. I do not like everything he has done, but then again, I don't even like everything I do. I know that to say you like Bush is, to some, a crime worthy of tar and feathering or even death. But, I care not and to those who think I should be punished for thinking the way I do, go fuck yourself. I say that with all the respect in the world, which is not a lot in today's society.

Anyway, I watched the results from the Dem's primary in South Carolina where a candidate, who happens to be black, won more than 50% of the vote in a three person race. Hillary, or Hill-dog as the South Park people call her, got her oversized ass handed to her. Good job South Carolinians. Although Obama would not be my choice for President, I think I could get behind him if he were to be elected. I think it is a disgrace that there are people out there who think we are not ready for a black president. I say go for it. I really cannot stand Ms. Ice Queen and her Husband. But I desire to move onto happier thoughts as all of these negative emotions just cannot be healthy.

My preparation for Lent is still underway (I am not Catholic and do not celebrate/honor lent but in this case, I am saying why not... everything once, right?) and I had a bad withdrawal day. I got too shaky and began to sweat like crazy and my headache/migraine returned. I am not sure if I will be able to get clean by lent but I will try. I have reduced my consumption today to only two "hits" but I am beginning to get the shakes again, as I type. I know my addiction to this devil substance is nothing compared to other substances, actual street drugs, but it is still a powerful bitch that I must conquer. Just to clarify, I am not a drug addict and do not do drugs, the substance mentioned above is simply caffine (mainly from espresso and coffe)... I will successfully beat it. Go Ambassador, Go Ambassador…

The last two weeks of February, I will be going back east with my father to visit family. We are going to go to DC, which I love, and we have received some awesome news. Assuming we both pass the background checks, we will be getting a private tour of the white house. In case you were not aware, ever since the 9/11 attacks, all public tours were stopped at the white house, with the exception of school or special tours. This is exciting and I cannot wait. The same day, we will be getting a congressional tour of the Capitol building, slightly different than the general public tour. That will also be awesome. I am also looking forward to flying, especially in first class. Can someone out there (all two of you that actually read this) say woo hoo?

I will leave you with this thought: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck Norris? (yes I know I stole this from the Chuck Norris website).


Adam said...

Good on you, Sir Ambassador-- I quit alcohol entirely for the first three weeks of January, and the headaches and nightmares of the first week were pretty hellacious. But, ultimately, it's good to step back every once in a while and reexamine what you're doing, and why, and what you're ingesting, whether it be gallons of Crystal Light or bags of crystal meth.

Janelle said...

"Hillary, or Hill-dog as the South Park people call her, got her oversized ass handed to her."

This pisses me off. I don't understand why disliking someone leads to an insult about their weight and/or appearance. I guess it isn't safe to comment on someone’s race, gender or religion anymore so we've resorted to other means of insult. I’m tired of people calling Hillary fat because they disagree with her politics. If she was supermodel thin and beautiful, she would probably have her intelligence questioned. Looks like a lose-lose situation.

Kalistoga said...

is hillary fat? i seriously was out of the loop on that one...

your paragraph about your drinking habbits had me, geoff, not a joint. on the floor. laughing.