Monday, February 4, 2008

Working for a Living… What a concept


I hope everyone is getting ready for the big game tomorrow/today. It should be interesting who can come out on top. A pretentious Bitch or the smug bastard, on one side; the jolly Mormon or the liberal conservative Arizonian. When it came to the football game (the exact name of the game cannot be mentioned because of the stupid NFL), I wanted both teams to lose. I cannot stand the cheaters and I did not want the manning idiot to win the game. I guess I would have rather seen the cheaters win so the debate would rage on, what is the best football team ever… as if anyone really cares. I think sportscasters come up with stuff so they can debate something that can never be proven right or wrong. It is actually quite brilliant and it resembles our modern day politics as politicians debate things they would do but will never do it anyway because of some interest group. I still like our twisted system though, and I am still proud to be an American, where we can make fun of others, despite what our parents tried to teach us in elementary school.

One of my friends asked if I actually believe what I write on this blog because it is significantly different than what I present in "the real world". The answer is yes. I actually present this side but no one either listens or asks me. I am okay with either because I really do not care with what others think of my beliefs. I am not one of those who will always let my position known, regardless of whether anyone cares to here. I also have friends who tend to be on the other side of the spectrum in just about every side of life so it is usually a lopsided argument with me being the lone avenger for the Geoff way of thinking. I know my control ability and do not have much confidence in it so I tend to just listen to everyone else and disagree with them in private. Don't get me wrong, when someone touches on a subject that I care deeply about, I will state my opinion.

My withdrawal process is still progressing, although with lent coming up, I am having doubt as to whether or not I can stay away from the temptress bitch. I guess this is going to be a short blog entry so I will check in later. Remember to vote on Super Tuesday, if it is your state's turn.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I tend to keep quiet during group discussions as well, mostly because it is difficult to get a word in edge-wise with those guys, whether you agree or not. I fint it easier to talk one-on-one with our friends if you want to have a real discussion.